Electricity on call

explosion in the skyline

Explosion in the skyline

The sky retreated into a blanket of charcoal grey clouds. A brisk breeze began to sway the trees and bushes, and soon the first drops of water were falling to the ground. The hot air masses of the hot summer stood still like statues,

how to prepare for thunderstorms

How to prepare for thunderstorms?

Summer is fast approaching and we have already enjoyed exceptionally warm weather on several occasions this spring. The downside of the warm weather is thunderstorms, and these

underfloor heating

Repair of an electrical fault in underfloor heating

On a cold frosty night in January, a man from Tuusula woke up to find his house suddenly freezing. He tested the surface of the floor and found that the electric underfloor heating was out of action. He immediately picked up the phone and

repair of electrical faults

Repair of an electrical fault

On-call electrical fault pick-up and repair between Tuesday and Wednesday night. 24 Center's on-call center received one Tuesday at. 23.40. The description of the assignment reads as follows:

sawyer on the spot

An electrician - or do it yourself?

When to call an electrician. From time to time, a situation arises where a socket or light switch breaks or a new location for a light fitting is needed. What you can do yourself