refrigeration maintenance

refrigeration maintenance and servicing

Refrigeration service and maintenance

Preventive maintenance of refrigeration equipment should be planned well in advance of the summer heatwaves. Malfunctions in refrigeration equipment will occur as the weather warms up. Now is a good time to have all your refrigeration equipment serviced and

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Air-source heat pump

Air-source heat pump to improve the comfort of your home An air-source heat pump is a refrigeration appliance that transfers heat energy between an outdoor and an indoor unit. The indoor temperature is controlled by transferring heat from the outside air to the indoor air and, if necessary, vice versa.

refrigeration maintenance

Refrigeration maintenance obligations

Refrigeration obligations for the user Refrigerants and electricity consumption in industrial, commercial and residential refrigeration appliances are a burden on the environment. This is why regular maintenance is important. Because of the importance of maintenance, legislation obliges