
A professional on site when you want it, or right now - it's up to you.
Because getting help should be easy.

0,99 €/min + pvm or mpm





24/7 service

We can find the nearest available refrigeration installer in Vaasa, Finland for you.

We are your sole contractor and you will be served by a local professional.

Refrigeration services 24/7

Is your frozen food melting or do you need quick cooling for your premises? Our on-call refrigeration technicians are ready to help you with all your refrigeration problems, from refrigerant replacements to annual maintenance contracts.

Installation work



Refrigeration work

Refrigeration emergency

Restaurants and canteens

Shops and establishments

Cooling of premises

Ground source heat pumps

Air source heat pumps

Home freezers

Household refrigerators

Cooling broken?

Installation of refrigeration equipment should only be carried out by a registered professional, so it is always best to leave even minor work to a refrigeration installer. Whether you're a resident or a business owner, you can hire a refrigeration installer to help you with your refrigeration work. In the event of a refrigeration breakdown, don't try to fix it yourself, as it can be life-threatening! By reacting to the problem immediately and calling our emergency service, you will save time and effort. Remember, you can claim back your share of the work as a household deduction.

Refrigerator icon
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Find a competent refrigeration installer in the Vaasa area

Vaasa and the surrounding area have plenty to offer, so be careful when choosing a professional - you need to be qualified to do refrigeration work. When you need a refrigeration installer in the Vaasa area, contact 24 Center directly at 01002470. A local refrigeration installer knows the area you live in and, ideally, even the building stock, can find you quickly and get the job done in no time.

Focus on quality and sustainability

You rarely get good things for cheap. A qualified refrigeration installer can do the job properly and right the first time. In the event of a refrigeration breakdown, time is never wasted and finding a competent refrigeration installer quickly is essential. That's why it pays to choose a qualified refrigeration installer who can get the job done reliably and professionally. All it takes is one call and we'll send a technician to the site.

0,99 €/min + pvm or mpm
Building services in Inkoni: Refrigerator installer

We are with you from start to finish

Is it frustrating that you have to contact several installers only to find out that the contractor can't take on more jobs?

Contact and order


After ordering you will receive a link to the tracking page

Our partner accepts the gig and will contact you



Our partner reports real-time information on the progress of the work

Billing and feedback

Contact and order

You will receive an order confirmation and a link to the tracking page

Your partner accepts the job and contacts you

Our app gives you real-time information on the progress of your work

Billing and feedback


Icon: refrigerator yellow



89 €/h


Weekdays 7.00-15.00
(min. 3 weekdays)


110 €/h


Weekdays 7.00-15.00


210 €/h

(min. 2 h)

Weekdays 15.00-07.00
Saturdays 7.00-18.00


260 €/h

(min. 2 h)


Pricing according to time

At 24 Center, the price is determined by the time, scope of work and the amount of material used. Services are priced as weekday work in most areas Mon-Fri 07-15, while work at other times is generally on-call. For sector-specific, up-to-date prices, please also contact our customer service. Prices are always confirmed by the client before the work is carried out.

*) The work component also includes time spent on travel and support activities (e.g. visits to wholesalers and waste collection points). Minimum hourly billing to be taken into account. Minimum hourly rates according to general practice in the sector. In most sectors, the minimum hourly rate is 2h. Hourly billing is per installer. Some jobs may require more than one fitter (e.g. heavy work).

Orders received

Air source heat pump dismantling work

One morning, it was a matter of dismantling the customer's air-source heat pump. Of course, there was no immediate rush, but the customer wanted it done within the same week. The exact time did not matter to the customer, as long as the installer gave notice before he arrived.

Repair of refrigeration failure

The 24 Center's emergency call centre received a call at 12.02 on a hot Thursday afternoon in July from a customer in distress. The Mitsubishi air-source heat pump in the house had broken down and refused to cool the air any more. The customer was very worried, as the heat was affecting their little one under 1 year of age the most. The customer said they had already called many places, but everywhere they had been told the queues were at least 2 weeks. Help was needed quickly.

What do people say about our services?

This is what customers think of our services:

Leave a contact request!

We will contact you as soon as possible.

Preferred method of contact:

Refrigeration installer 24/7

An on-call refrigeration installer is available around the clock at short notice and always ready to work for you. You will always be served by a local refrigeration installer!

24center Map of Finland

Frequently asked questions about
24 Center

24 Center - Genuine customer service 24/7

24 Center is a real estate technology services on-call centre that provides a high quality service for real estate technology services problems regardless of time and place. Customers can get help with one call for both urgent emergencies and non-urgent day-to-day work.

24 Center is located at Robert Huberintie 3 in Vantaa, Finland. From one office, 24 Center serves the whole of Finland for building services problems. In addition to Finland, 24 Center operates in Sweden and Norway. 24 Center is a 100% Finnish company and service innovation.

24 Center will arrange for the work ordered by the customer to be carried out by the real estate technology services professional who can be on site at the time the customer wants.

You can claim a household allowance for maintenance and renovation work in your home or leisure home. These include renovations to your kitchen, bathroom, other rooms or the sauna in a detached house. Electrical, plumbing and cabling work in a private house is also covered by the household allowance, as is, for example, painting an outbuilding or installing a security lock. For more information, see the tax office's website, which lists the different types of work depending on whether they are covered by the deduction or not: household allowance

The maximum household allowance in 2023 will be €2,250 per person. The household allowance only applies to the work component. 40% of the work component is deductible. When the company invoice has a labour component of €5875, you will get the maximum deduction.

Typical damages covered by home insurance include water damage caused by the breakage of pipes or connected appliances, fire, smoke and soot damage. The amount of compensation for water damage is affected by the age of the broken appliance or pipework.

Call me anyway. 24 Center's customer service agents have a desire to help customers in times of need. A call costs €0.99/min + pvm or mpm, but many issues can be resolved at home with tips based on the experience of our customer service agents.

24 Center also serves non-urgent orders. Work ordered at least three working days in advance also has a lower hourly rate. You can place an order yourself via online ordering on our website at

5 important tips for
refrigeration work

Refrigerator icon

The hourly rate for a refrigeration installer varies between €50 and €120. Travel expenses are charged at a rate of €0.4 to €1 per kilometre. Some companies charge a flat-rate service car allowance as a travel cost. The customer is also charged for the materials used for the work.

At 24 Center, a refrigeration fitter pays from €89/h for unhurried work. On weekdays from 07:00 to 15:00, the price is 110 €/hour. On-call work is 210 €/h (min. 2h) and holiday work 260 €/h (min. 2h). On weekdays, a service truck surcharge of €90 is charged and for on-call and public holiday work, an alarm surcharge of €275, including the service truck surcharge. Materials are charged at the wholesale OVH prices. Any special tools will be charged separately.

The most common cause of air-source heat pump failure is the refrigerant. The refrigerant has either run out or leaked out. The symptoms of this are that the unit will not blow hot or cold. Fan failures are also common, if the fan is making a loud and unpleasant noise, there is probably a fault with the fan motor. If the air-source heat pump doesn't respond at all, it's probably not getting electricity.

The discharge pipe for the condensate water accumulating in the cooling process is likely to be blocked by dust or other dirt.

If the filters in the indoor unit are not clean, the air blown by the pump may start to smell. If even cleaning the filters does not help, you should call in a professional to clean the entire indoor unit.

Refrigerator lifetimes range from around 2-3 years to more than ten years. EU legislation guarantees consumers the right to a two-year guarantee, during which time they are entitled to a repair, a replacement or a refund from the seller. If you buy a more expensive product, you can expect it to last longer. If the most expensive product breaks down after 4 years, for example, the consumer may be entitled to compensation. However, after more than five years, there is no point in contacting the seller.

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